Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

南極条約10周年 << 1971年(昭和46年) 6月23日 >> 2-4-273

10th Anniv. of Antarctic Treaty
Issued on June 23, 1971 (Showa 46)

10th Anniv. of Antarctic Treaty Issued on June 23, 1971 (Showa 46) The Antarctic Treaty is an international treaty that came into effect in 1961, triggered by international Antarctic observations during the International Geophysical Year. The purpose is to freeze the sovereignty of each country in Antarctica, ban its military use, and promote scientific research and international cooperation. The Antarctic Treaty Council, which consists of representatives from each country, has been established to exchange information and deliberate on draft recommendations once a year. Japan has joined from the beginning.The stamp was issued to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty and designed by the Adelie penguin.