Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

日本万国博覧会 開催時 第2・3回目 << 1970年(昭和45年) 6月15日 >> 2-4-253

Expo'70 2nd Issue Issued on June 15, 1970 (Showa 45)

Expo'70 2nd Issue Issued on June 15, 1970 (Showa 45) The Japan World Exposition Osaka 1970 is an international exposition held in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture, for 183 days from March 15th to September 13th, 1970. It was the first international exposition in Asia and the first in Japan, and was the largest in history at that time. EXPO'70 was used for the English notation.Stamps are issued with a small sheet with donations to commemorate the event (the second issue at the time of the event and the third in total), with lanterns of pavilions (15 yen), the earth and venue (15 yen), and Sakai Hoitsu. The picture "Flowering Plants of Summer" (50 yen) was designed.