Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第1次国宝シリーズ 第1集 << 1967年(昭和42年) 11月1日 >> 2-4-216

1st National Treasures Series 1 Issued on 11 1, 1967 (Showa 42)

1st National Treasures Series 1 Issued on 11 1, 1967 (Showa 42) The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has issued a series of Japanese national treasure stamps from the Asuka period since 1967. Its production made full use of advanced printing technology that combined gravure and special intaglio. The first was published in 7 collections.
The first collection is from the Asuka period, with the Miroku Bodhisattva at Koryuji Temple, the Kudara Kannon at Horyuji Temple, the Kondo and Five-storied Pagoda at Horyuji Temple.