季節の行事シリーズ 1962年(昭和37年)3月3日 ~ 1963年(昭和38年)2月3日発行 1962年3月、郵政省は花切手に続く第2弾のシリーズ切手として、「季節の行事」切手4種を発行した。春はひな祭り(女の子の健やかな成長を祈り、ひな人形を飾ってすしなどを食べる季節行事)、夏は七夕(たなばた:毎年7月7日の夜、願いごとを書いた短冊を笹の葉につるし、星に祈る習慣)、秋は七五三(7歳、5歳、3歳の子どもの成長を祝う行事であり、神社に行って成長の報告、感謝の祈願を行う)冬は、節分(2月の立春前日に、病気や災害を鬼に見立て、豆を投げて追い払う儀式)
Season's Folk-Lore Series Issued on 3 3, 1962 (Showa37) - 2 3, 1963 (Showa38) In March 1962, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued four types of " seasonal events" stamps as the second series of stamps following the flower stamps.Spring is the Hinamatsuri (a seasonal event to pray for the healthy growth of girls, decorate Hina dolls and eat sushi, etc.)Summer is Tanabata (Tanabata: Every year on the night of July 7th, a strip of paper with wishes is hung on bamboo leaves and prayed to the stars),Autumn is Shichigosan (an event to celebrate the growth of children aged 7, 5, and 3 and go to a shrine to report on their growth and pray for gratitude),Setsubun in winter (the day before the beginning of spring in February, a ritual to throw beans away by using illnesses and disasters as demons)