岡山天体物理観測所開所 1960年(昭和35年)10月19日発行
Okayama Astro-Physical Observatory Issued on October 19, 1960 (Showa 35)
The Okayama Astronomical Observatory was an observatory located near the summit of Mt. Chikurinjiyama in Okayama Prefecture. It was opened in 1960 as "Okayama Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo Observatory, University of Tokyo".It has been in operation since the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was reorganized into the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in 1988, but ended in March 2018.
Since then, the observation facility has been managed by the Okayama Branch of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Hawaii Observatory, and the equipment has been maintained and used by the joint research group.
The stamps are designed for this observatory and the Seto Inland Sea.