Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

切手趣味週間三十六歌仙「伊勢」 << 1960年(昭和35年) 4月20日 >> 2-4-121

Philatelic Week 'Ise' Issued on April 20, 1960 (Showa 35)

Philatelic Week 'Ise' Issued on April 20, 1960 (Showa 35) "Thirty-six Kasen Emaki" is a picture scroll produced in the Kamakura period, and is a portrait of 36 famous waka poem writers.Ise (872-938) depicted in it is one of the female poets of the Heian period, and Ise's poetry is also adopted by Hyakunin Isshu Karuta. The stamp is designed with "Ise" in the Thirty-Six Kasen Emaki.