Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

日本開港百年 << 1958年(昭和33年) 5月10日 >> 2-4-96

Centenary of Opening of Ports Issued on May 10, 1958 (Showa 33)

Centenary of Opening of Ports Issued on May 10, 1958 (Showa 33) In March 1854, Japan signed the "Convention of Kanagawa" (Shizuoka Shimoda and Hokkaido Hakodate Port opened) with the United States.
Taking this opportunity,the Tokugawa Shogunate signed the same Convention of Kanagawa as Britain, Russia,and the Netherlands.In 1858, Japan signed the "Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Commerce" with the United States. This is an unequal treaty such as free trade, opening of 5 ports and opening of Edo / Osaka, consular court, one-sided tariff agreement, and settlement.After that, in July 1994, the "Japan-UK New Commerce and Navigation Treaty" was signed, and the legal authority was successfully restored.
At the same time, negotiations to revise the treaty for the restoration of legal rights were concluded one after another countries, and in 1999, the "new treaty" was implemented.Furthermore, the restoration of tax rights was realized in 1911 under Foreign Minister Komura Jutaro.The stamps are designed with the statue of Naosuke Ii, Kurofune, and the Yokohama, Hakodate, and Nagasaki city emblems.