Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

平和条約 << 1951年(昭和26年) 9月9日 >> 2-4-57

San Francisco Peace Treaty Issued on September 9, 1951 (Showa 26)

Signing of the Peace Treaty Issued on September 9, 1951 (Showa 26) In September 1951 (Showa 26), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued three types of stamps to commemorate Japan's official reindependence from the occupied nations due to the defeat. The peace treaty was signed at the Opera House in San Francisco, USA. The Allies who ratified this treaty approved the sovereignty of Japan. Under international law, this treaty ended the "war situation" between Japan and many Allies. The Soviet Union attended the meeting but did not sign the treaty. The Republic of China and India did not attend. Since then, Japan has signed peace treaties with Indonesia, the Republic of China, and India, but no peace treaties with Russia. On the same day, the Japan-US Security Treaty was also signed. It was promulgated on Apri 1952 (Showa 27) the following year.