Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

神宮式年遷宮記念 << 1929年(昭和4年) 10月2日 >> 2-3-3

Shikinen Sengu ( relocate the temple every 20 years ) Memorial
Issued on October 2, 1929 (Showa 4)

Shikinen Sengu Memorial Issued on October 2, 1929 (Showa 4) The Ise Jingu Shrine, which enshrines the ancestors of the imperial family and has held ceremonies of successive emperors since 685 AD, carries out the ceremony "Shikinen Sengu" to relocate the temple once every 20 years. This stamp was issued to commemorate the Shikinen Sengu in 1929. The design is "Naigu"(Inner palace) arranged inside Cedar trees