Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

慶弔切手 (第5次) << 1999年(平成11年) 8月16日 >> 1-12-11

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 4th Issue
Issued on Aug.16 1999 (heisei11)

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 5th.
Issued on Aug.16 1999 (heisei11)
August 16,1999 (Heisei11)There are 3 types for funerals for condolences. Postage stamps for condolences are stamps used for ceremonies (weddings and celebrations) Since ancient times in Japan, there has been a custom of performing both ceremonies and condolences on a house-by-house basis, and ceremonies of condolences and related events are held. As a means of communication, we will issue design stamps that symbolize them. Condolence stamps have been issued Seven times ( price and design revisions) by 2019.