Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

慶弔切手 (第2次) << 1989年(平成2年) 8月10日 >> 1-12-8

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 2nd Issue
Issued on Aug.10, 1989 (Heisei2)

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 2nd Issue
Issued on Aug.10, 1989 (Heisei2)
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued the 2nd congratulatory and condolence stamps on August 10, 1989 . There are 3 types for ceremonies and 1type for condolences. These are stamps used for ceremonies (weddings and celebrations) and condolences (funerals, etc.). Since ancient times in Japan, there has been a custom of performing both ceremonies and condolences on a house-by-house basis, and design stamps were issued as a means of communication when performing ceremonies and related events. These stamps have been issued seven times (price and design revisions) continuously by 2019.