Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

慶弔切手 (第1次) << 1982年(昭和57年) ~ 1983年(昭和58年) >> 1-12-7

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 1st Issue
Issued on 1982 (showa57)- 1983(showa58)

Congratulations and condolences Stamps 1st Issue
Isued on 1982(showa57)- 1983(showa58)
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued the first congratulatory and condolence stamps from August 1982. There are 3 types for ceremonies and 2 types for condolences. These are stamps used for ceremonies (weddings and celebrations) and condolences (funerals, etc.). Since ancient times in Japan, there has been a custom of performing both ceremonies and condolences on a house-by-house basis, and design stamps were issued as a means of communication when performing ceremonies and related events. These stamps have been issued seven times (price and design revisions) continuously by 2019.