新聞週間 1954(昭和29年) 10月 1日発行 前年の新聞週間切手に続き、1954年も新聞週間切手が発行された。切手は、沖縄のジャーナリストで政治家の当間嗣合とペンがデザインされている。当間嗣合(とうましごう)は、1915年(大正4)、沖縄朝日新聞社を設立し、社長に就任した。首里市会議員を経て、1930年(昭和5)の第17回衆議院議員総選挙に出馬して当選した。
Newspaper Week'53 Issued on Oct. 1, 1954 (Showa29) Following the newspaper weekly stamps of the previous year, newspaper weekly stamps were issued in 1954 as well. The stamps are designed by Okinawan journalist and politician Tsuguai Toma and a pen. Touma Shigo established Okinawa Asahi Shimbun in 1915 (Taisho 4) and became president. After working as a member of the Shuri City Council, he ran for the 17th General Election of the House of Representatives in 1930 (Showa 5) and was elected.