Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

マラリア防あつ << 1962年(昭和37年) 4月7日 >> 8-4-23

World Malaria Eradication Issued on Apr. 7, 1962 (Showa37)

World Malaria Eradication Issued on Apr. 7, 1962 (Showa37) Malaria has spread through the Anopheles mosquitoes since before the war, mainly in the Miyako and Yaeyama areas of Okinawa. Especially since 1944, it has expanded significantly due to the movement of Japanese soldiers and local residents due to the war. Since 1957, malaria infection has almost ended by spraying DDT diluent. Two kinds of stamps are issued to commemorate malaria prevention, Anopheles mosquitoes for 3C and WHO for 8C.Mark and Shureimon are designed.