Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

青年会議所会議 << 1963年(昭和38年) 9月16日 >> 8-4-33

Okinawa Meeting of International Junior Chamber of Commerce
Issued on Sept. 16, 1963 (Showa38)

Okinawa Meeting of International Junior Chamber of Commerce
Issued on Sept. 16, 1963 (Showa38)
In Japan, the Tokyo Youth Chamber of Commerce was established in 1949 (Showa 24). The following year, in 1950 (Showa 25), the name was changed to Tokyo Junior Chamber (Japan JC). The Naha Junior Chamber began in April 1959, when Okinawa was under the occupation of the US military, and was called by the Japan JC. On June 20, the same year, the Okinawa Junior Chamber was established. Then, in November of that year, membership as Okinawa JC was officially approved at the 14th JCI World Congress. After that, the JCI Okinawa Conference was held in 1963, and the Naha Youth Conference Center was established in January 1964. The stamp was issued in commemoration of the 1963 JCI Okinawa Conference, and is designed with the "Conference Mark and Asia Map". Quote: Naha Youth Conference Homepage (naha-jc.or.jp)