日琉マイクロ回線 1964(昭和39年) 9月 1日発行 日琉マイクロ回線は、1964年(昭和39年)に本土-沖縄間が開通した。事業主体は、琉球電信電話公社(1959年発足)で、本土復帰を念頭においたネットワーク整備が行われた。切手はそれを記念して2種発行され、マイクロ回線施設と、パラボラアンテナがデザインされている。この切手は、当初1963年に発行される予定だったが、電電公社内部の軋轢により発行が遅れ、1964年に発行された(1963を1964に訂正加刷)。そのため、みほん切手は年号の変更加刷が出来ずに配布されなかった。
Opening of Microwave Between Ryukyu and Japan
Issued on Sept. 1, 1964 (Showa39)
As for the Japan-Ryu micro line, the micro line between the mainland and Okinawa was opened in 1964 (Showa 39). The main business entity is the Ryukyu Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (established in 1959), and the network was developed with the return to the mainland in mind. Two kinds of stamps were issued to commemorate it, and a micro line facility and a parabolic antenna were designed. This stamp was originally scheduled to be issued in 1963, but was delayed due to internal friction of the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, and issued in 1964 (corrected from 1963 to 1964). Therefore, the Mihon stamps could not be reprinted due to the change of the year and were not distributed.