Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

空手シリーズ << 1964年(昭和39年) ~ 1965年(昭和40年) >> 8-4-42

Karate Series Issued on 1964 (Showa39) - 1965 (Showa40)

Karate Series Issued on 1964 (Showa39) - 1965 (Showa40) The origin of karate is said to have its roots in the self-defense techniques learned by the Ryukyu kingdom's samurai as a culture. This self-defense technique became an ancient Okinawan martial art called "hand", and then merged with Chinese martial arts to create the basics of the current karate. Karate has developed mainly in the three regions of Shuri, Naha, and Tomari, and has since produced many schools. The stamp is a type of Okinawa karate(Form) Three types are designed. These stamps are distributed in 1500 and 2000 overprints.