金武発電所竣工 1965(昭和40年) 7月 1日発行 1965年(昭和40)6月、沖縄本島のほぼ中央部に位置する金武町に、金武(きん)発電所(石炭火力)が竣工し、同年7月原運転が開始された。1972年に沖縄本土復帰と同時に沖縄電力の管轄下となり、2002年(平成14)に新発電所が建設され、2月に1号機、平成15年5月に2号機が運転開始された。切手は、旧金武発電所の竣工記念として発行され、発電所全景が描かれている。この切手はみほん加刷1500枚が配賦された。
Completion of Kin Power Plant Issued on Jul. 1, 1965 (Showa40) In June 1965 (Showa 40), the Kin power plant (coal-fired power plant) was completed in Kin Town, which is located in the central part of the main island of Okinawa, and the original operation started in July of the same year. Upon returning to the mainland of Okinawa in 1972, it came under the jurisdiction of Okinawa Electric Power, and a new power plant was constructed in 2002 (Heisei 14), and Unit 1 was put into operation in February and Unit 2 was put into operation in May 2003. The stamp is issued to commemorate the completion of the former Kinbu power plant and has a panoramic view of the power plant. This stamp was distributed with 1500 overprints.