切手趣味週間 1965(昭和40年) 7月 1日発行 沖縄の切手趣味週間切手は、琉球に古くから伝わる工芸品をデザインしたものが多く、1965年(昭和40)は、琉球古来の弦楽器「蛇皮線(じゃびせん)」がデザインされた。蛇皮線は、中国元代に始まり,14世紀末沖縄に,さらに室町末期(1558?69)に堺・博多に伝えられ三味線に変化した。楽器の胴に蛇の皮を張り,弦は3本,角製のつめで弾く。この切手は、みほん加刷2000枚が配賦された。
Philatelic Week Issued on Jul.1, 1965 (Showa40) Okinawa stamps Hobby Weekly stamps are often designed with crafts that have been handed down from ancient times in Ryukyu, and in 1965 (Showa 40), the ancient Ryukyu stringed instrument "Jabisen" was designed. The snake skin line started in the yuan of China, was transmitted to Okinawa at the end of the 14th century, and was transmitted to Sakai and Hakata at the end of the Muromachi period (1558-69), and changed to the shamisen. Put a snake skin on the body of the instrument, and play with three strings and square claws. This stamp was distributed with 2000 overprints.