Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

天然記念物シリーズ << 1966年(昭和41年) >> 8-4-51

Natural Monument Series Issued on 1966 (Showa41)

Natural Monument Series Issued on 1966 (Showa41) Okinawa woodpecker is a member of the woodpecker that lives only in the forests of northern Okinawa Island, commonly known as "Yambaru no Mori", and was designated as a special natural monument in 1977. Kerama deer is a wild deer that lives in the southernmost part of Japan and is the only subtropical ungulate in Japan. The dugong is a mammal of the dugongidae family, and it inhabits the tropical region of the northern limit of Okinawa, and is designated as an endangered species in Japan. The stamps are designed with 3 kinds of natural monuments that live in Okinawa. Reference: Okinawa Prefectural Art Education Federation homepage 2022.3