Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

慰霊の日 << 1966年(昭和41年) 6月23日 >> 8-4-53

Memorial Day Issued on Jun. 23, 1966 (Showa41)

Memorial Day Issued on Jun. 23, 1966 (Showa41) Memorial Day is an anniversary established by Okinawa Prefecture, and is set as a day to commemorate the war dead such as the Battle of Okinawa on June 23 every year. In 1961 (Showa 36), 16 years after the end of World War II, the "Okinawa Memorial Day for the War Dead" requested the Ryukyu government to establish "Okinawa Memorial Day". As a result, it was enacted as "Okinawa Memorial Day". The stamp was issued in commemoration of this, and the battlefield and the flower of the easter lily are designed. Reference: Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia"