Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

琉球大学政府移管 << 1966年(昭和41年) 7月1日 >> 8-4-54

Transfer of Ryukyu Univ. to Government Supervision
Issued on Jul. 1, 1966 (Showa41)

Transfer of Ryukyu Univ. to Government Supervision
Issued on Jul.1, 1966 (Showa41)
The University of the Ryukyus is a national university in Japan and was established in 1950. It is the only national university located in Okinawa Prefecture, and is the southernmost and westernmost comprehensive university in Japan. In 1966 (Showa 41), it became "Ryukyu Government University" according to the Ryukyu University Establishment Law and the Ryukyu University Management Law. The stamp is issued in commemoration of it, and the Ryukyu University school building and badge are designed. Reference: University of the Ryukyus Official Homepage 2022.3