Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際観光年 << 1967年(昭和42年) 9月11日 >> 8-4-61

International Tourist Year Issued on Sept. 11, 1967 (Showa42)

International Tourist Year Issued on Sept. 11, 1967 (Showa42) The International Tourist Year is an international year in which the United Nations appealed to member countries for international cooperation in tourism promotion based on the usefulness of education, culture and economy, and started in 1967. In Okinawa, stamps were issued to promote tourism. In mainland Japan, two types of stamps were issued, including a commemorative stamp designed by Yokoyama Taikan's "Reihoh Hikaku"(Cranes flying in Sacred Mountain Fuji). Reference; Okinawa Prefecture Tourism Promotion Division homepage 2022.3