Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際図書館週間 << 1968年(昭和43年) 5月13日 >> 8-4-68

Intrnational Library Week Issued on May 13, 1968 (Showa43)

Intrnational Library Week Issued on May 13, 1968 (Showa43) In May 1968, the International Book Week Stamp was issued. In its history, the Okinawa Library Association was formed in 1957, and the Okinawa Prefectural Library Association established the International Library Week in 1958. It also hosts exhibitions and other events during this week every year, emphasizing the value and necessity of the library and commending librarians with excellent grades. (Okinawa Prefectural Library materials) Design seeks booksThe person and the library are designed. Reference: Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" 2022.3