Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

全日本男子東西対抗軟式庭球大会 << 1968年(昭和43年) 11月23日 >> 8-4-73

Softball Tennis Tournament Issued on Nov. 23, 1968 (Showa43)

Softball Tennis Tournament Issued on Nov. 23, 1968 (Showa43) In August 1934 (Showa 9), the Japan Soft Garden Federation held the first Ise Jingu Tournament, which covered various championship competitions. The college technical college division held championship competitions and east-west competitions. In November 1968 (Showa 43), the All Japan Men's East-West Competitive Soft Tennis Tournament was held in Okinawa. The stamp was issued in commemoration of this, and was designed by a male garden ball player. Okinawa Prefecture Tennis Association Homepage 2022.3