国政参加 1970(昭和45年) 11月 2日発行 国政参加選挙は、琉球政府時代の沖縄において、日本国の衆議院・参議院の議員を選出するために1970年(昭和45)11月に行われた選挙である。 1971年(昭和46)調印予定の沖縄返還協定の批准のために国会に特別委員会が設置され、選出された議員は協定批准の審議に参加した。本土復帰を控えた沖縄住民の復帰不安を解消するため、政府は1970年11月に40項目に上る復帰対策要綱を決めた。沖縄の観光を維持するために関税などは低いまま、本土より40%安い消費者米価も据え置きとなった。切手は本土復帰前の国政参加を記念して発行され、沖縄地図、日本国旗、国会議事堂がデザインされている。 参考;フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』2022.3
Participation in National Assembly Issued on Nov. 2, 1970 (Showa45) The national affairs participation election is an election held in November 1970 (Showa 45) in order to elect members of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors of Japan in Okinawa during the Ryukyu government era. A special committee was set up in the Diet to ratify the Okinawa Reversion Agreement, which is scheduled to be signed in 1971 (Showa 46), and the elected members participated in the ratification of the agreement. In November 1970, the government decided on 40 items of return measures guidelines in order to alleviate the concerns about the return of Okinawans who are about to return to the mainland. While tariffs and other factors remain low in order to maintain tourism in Okinawa, consumer rice prices, which are 40% cheaper than the mainland, have remained unchanged. Stamps are issued to commemorate the participation in national affairs before the return to the mainland, and are designed with a map of Okinawa, the Japanese flag, and the Diet Building. Reference: Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" 2022.3