沖縄返還協定批准 1972(昭和47年)4月17日発行 1969年(昭和44)11月、ワシントンD.C.で開催された日本の佐藤総理大臣とアメリカのニクソン大統領との日米首脳会談共同声明に基づき、琉球諸島及び大東諸島の施政権の日本返還に関し、政府間交渉を行い、合意に達したので「沖縄返還協定」を締結した。本条約を署名した際、議事録が合意され、返還対象の地理的範囲は、合意議事録で経緯度をもって確認し、尖閣諸島はこの地域内に含まれている。切手は、この条約の批准を記念して発行され、日米両国旗とハトがデザインされている。 参考;フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Ratification of Okinawa Reversion Agreement Issued on Apr. 17, 1972 (Showa47) Based on the joint statement of the Japan-US summit meeting between Prime Minister Sato of Japan and President Nixon of the United States held in Washington, DC in November 1969, the government regarding the return of the administration of the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands to Japan. We negotiated with each other and reached an agreement, so we concluded the "Okinawa Reversion Agreement". At the time of signing this Convention, the minutes were agreed, the geographical range to be returned was confirmed in the agreed minutes by the latitude and longitude, and the Senkaku Islands are included in this area. Stamps are issued to commemorate the ratification of this treaty and are designed with both the US and Japanese flags and pigeons. Reference: Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia"