Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

通貨確認証紙 << 1971年(昭和46年) 8月30日(発行予定) >> 8-5-9

Currency exchange confirmation certificate stamps
Issued on Aug. 30 , 1971 (Showa46)

Currency exchange confirmation certificate stamps
Issued on Aug. 30 , 1971 (Showa46)
In 1971, ahead of the return to the mainland of Okinawa, the Japanese government and the Ryukyu People's Government were planning to exchange US dollars and Japanese yen for Okinawa Tomon. However, on August 15, 1971, the value of the dollar fell sharply as President Nixon of the United States suddenly announced that the exchange of US dollars and gold would be suspended and that the fixed exchange rate system would be replaced by the floating exchange rate system. Therefore, the exchange of dollars and yen after returning to the mainland became a very disadvantageous situation for Okinawa. As a mitigation measure, among the "government park stamps" scheduled to be issued in August 1971, the issuance of the Iriomote government park stamps was stopped and it was decided to use it as a currency exchange confirmation stamp. The Ministry of Finance Printing Bureau hastily changed the issue schedule of 1.8 million sheets to 50 million sheets and printed them in secret. At first, planning to put it directly on the dollar bills held by Okinawan people, but just before that,In order to prevent malicious foreign exchange gains from being acquired, a method was adopted in which the deposits were affixed to the "confirmation certificate" of islanders and Okinawa companies. Therefore, after the end of the dollar-yen exchange in 1973, the unused portion was discarded.