Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

暫定 << 1958年(昭和33年) ~ 1961年(昭和36年) >> 8-3-1

Provisionals in U.S .Currency Issued on 1958 (Showa33)-1961(Showa36)

Provisionals in U.S .Currency Issued on 1958 (Showa33)-1961(Showa36) On September 16, 1958 (Showa 33), the Okinawa currency was unified from the Btype military vote (B yen) to the US dollar. At that time, the B yen, a currency issued by the US military, was in circulation in Okinawa under the US administration. On this day, the High Commissioner of the US Civil Administration abolished the B-type military vote and set the Ryukyu legal tender as the US dollar. As a result, the above US dollar stamp was issued.