Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第2次普通 << 1950年(昭和25年) 1月21日 >> 8-2-3

2nd Regular Issues Issued on Jan. 21 , 1950 (Showa25)

2nd Regular Issues Issued on Jan. 21 , 1950 (Showa25) 英語本文
In 1949 (Showa 24), the Ryukyu People's Government solicited the design of new stamps for ordinary stamps due to the increase in postage due to postwar inflation. Six of the winning works were issued in January 1950 as new regular stamps. However, only the Naha Central Bureau was actually released at this time, and the other main islands and remote islands were issued in February. The designs are all Okinawan cultural assets and ordinary people.
* B-yen is a currency temporarily issued by the US military as a Japanese yen
military vote in Okinawa after the end of the war.