阿蘇国立公園切手 1939 (昭和14) 8月15日発行 (みほん)
阿蘇国立公園は九州熊本県阿蘇山を中心とする山岳公園。切手は、阿蘇山遠景や噴火口など4種類が発行された。同時に解説書付小型シートが発売されたが、日本は1937年 (昭和12) から支那事変による戦争状態のため、タトウ (カバー表紙) の不足で6万枚の少ない発行となった。
Mt, Aso National Park Stamp Issued August 15, 1939 (Showa 14) - Specimen -
Aso National Park is a mountain park centered on Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu. Four types of stamps were issued, including a distant view of Mt. Aso and a crater.At the same time, a small sheet with a commentary was released, but since 1937 (Showa 12), Japan was in a state of war due to the Sino-Japanese War, and due to a shortage of Tato (cover) paper, only 60,000 sheets were issued.
The above is only true for specimen stamps.
For more information and official printed stamps, see this.