Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

竜銭切手 << 1872年(明治5年) 2月 >> みほん 1-1-2

Hand carved (Etched) stamps (Doragon Stamps Sen Unit) - Specimen -
Issued on February 1872 (Meiji 5)

Dragon Ryu-sen stamp 4 types, Issued on February 1872 (Meiji 5) - Specimen - Japanese postal system was established before the Japanese currency unit was changed in 1871 (Meiji 4),So, The first stamp was 'mon' unit.But, in February1872(Meiji 5) , it was amended by a new currency 'sen' to change from 'mon' by the government. At this time, the design around the Ryumon stamp kept, and a new original edition 'sen' was added to issue. This is called a Ryu(Dragon)-sen stamp.This stamp was handworked perforations for the first time. Also, paste was applied for thefirst time half of the issuance period of this stamp.

The above is only true for specimen stamps.
For official printed stamps, see this.