第30回国民体育大会 1975年(昭和50年)10月25日発行 1975年、第30回国民体育大会が夏秋大会は三重県、冬季大会は山梨県、北海道で開催された。冬季スキー大会のスローガンは「輝く太陽きらめく新雪、人情(なさけ)が招く富良野国体」、夏季・秋季大会のテーマは「たくましくあすをひらこう」だった。切手はこの大会を記念して発行され、重量挙げ選手と競技場がデザインされた。
30th National Athletic Meet Issued on October 25 , 1975 (Showa 50) In 1975, the 30th National Athletic Meet was held in Mie Prefecture for the Summer and Autumn Games, and in Yamanashi Prefecture and Hokkaido for the Winter Games. The slogan of the winter ski competition was "Furano National Athletic Meet, which is brought about by the sparkling sun and humanity," and the theme of the summer / autumn competition was "Let's open up tomorrow."Stamps were issued to commemorate the competition and weightlifters and stadiums were designed.