Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

自然保護シリーズ 第4集 << 1977年(昭和52年) 5月18日 ~ 9月14日 >> 2-4-314

Nature Conservation Series 4
Issued on 5. 18, 1977 (Showa52) - 9. 14, 1977

Nature Conservation Series 4
Issued on 5. 18, 1977 (Showa52) - 9. 14, 1977
In order to save the decrease and extinction of wild animals in Japan, the Natural Environment Bureau of the Ministry of the Environment protects the natural environment.We are promoting the protection and management of wildlife and international efforts. In the private sector, Japan Nature Conservancy Council is active.
This stamp series covers 20 species of natural flora and fauna that have been inhabiting Japan for a long time.