Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際観光年 << 1967年(昭和42年) 10月2日 >> 2-4-213

International Tourist Year
Issued on October 2, 1967 (Showa 42)

International Tourist Year Issued on October 2, 1967 (Showa 42) On November 4, 1966, the United Nations resolved at the 21st General Assembly to designate 1967 as the "International Tourist Year." At the same time, the United Nations urged countries around the world to widely advocate the role that tourism plays in society, culture, education, economy, etc., and to promote various measures related to the promotion of tourism.The stamp was issued in commemoration of that, and the "Crane flying to Mt. Fuji" by Taikan Yokoyama, a Japanese painter of Meiji era, was designed.