議会開設70年 1960年(昭和35年)12月24日発行 1890年、日本の国会(議会)は、当初は帝国議会として、大日本帝国憲法により開設された。その当時、議会は衆議院と貴族院で構成されていた。1947年、5月、日本国憲法の施行により、国会を立法府とし、衆議院と参議院が設置された。切手は、日本の議会開設50年を記念して発行され、帝国議会開院式と、国会議事堂がデザインされている。この切手は、国会解散により発行が延期されたため、シート上部の記念名称と発行日をカットして発売された。それ以降、しばらく記念名称は入れられなかったが、1975年発行の文通週間切手から再びシート上部に記念名称が入れられ、現在に至っている。
70th Anniv. of Japanese Diet Issued on December 24, 1960 (Showa 35) In 1890, the Japanese Diet (Parliament) was initially established as the Imperial Diet by the Constitution of the Empire of Japan.At that time, the parliament consisted of the House of Representatives and the House of Lords. In May 1947, with the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan, the Diet became the legislature, and the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors were established. The stamp was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Japanese parliament, and the opening ceremony of the Imperial Diet and the Diet Building are designed. Since the issuance of this stamp was postponed due to the dissolution of the Diet, the commemorative name and issue date on the top of the sheet has been cut off. After that, the commemorative name was not put in for a while, but the commemorative name was put in the upper part of the sheet again from the International Letter Character Week stamp issued in 1975, and it continues to the present day.