尾崎記念館会館竣工 1960年(昭和35年) 2月25日発行 尾崎行雄は、日本の政治家で、「憲政の神」と呼ばれた政党政治の擁護者である。慶応義塾に学び,1882年立憲改進党に参加。1890年第1回総選挙で当選し、その後25回連続当選。1903年から1912年まで東京市長を務めた。戦後は国会の長老格として活動し、名誉議員の称号が贈られた。切手は、尾崎行雄の功績を讃えて1960年国会前に建てられた尾崎記念館(衆議院憲政記念館)竣工を記念して発行され、本人と時計塔がデザインされている。
Ozaki Memorial Hall Issued on February 25, 1960 (Showa 35) Yukio Ozaki is a Japanese politician and an advocate of party politics called the "god of constitutionalism." He studied at Keio University and joined the Rikken Kaishint? in 1882. He won the 1890 general election and then 25 times in a row. He was the mayor of Tokyo from 1903 to 1912. After the war, he acted as an elder in parliament and was awarded the title of Honorary Congressman.The stamp was issued in commemoration of the completion of the Ozaki Memorial Hall (Parliamentary Museum of the House of Representatives), which was built before the Diet in 1960 in honor of Yukio Ozaki's achievements, and the person himself and the clock tower are designed.