日中国交正常化30周年 2002 (平成14年) 9月13日発行
1972年9月、日本と中華人民共和国は国交を結んだ。同月、両国首脳は中国で首脳会談を行い、「日本国政府と中華人民共和国政府の共同声明」の調印により国交が成立した。またこの声明に基づき、それまで国交のあった中華民国に断交を通告した。切手は、日中国交正常化30年を記念して発行され、鄧林 (鄧小平の長女) 筆「紫藤花」と王伝峰筆「源遠流長」がデザインされている。採用されたのは、いずれも中国の画家による絵であり、日本人の絵は無い。当時、日本が中国との政治的経済的交流促進を目論んでいたかが窺える。
The 30th Anniv. of the Normalization of Japan-China Relations Issued on September 13 2002 (Heisei 14)
In September 1972, Japan and the People's Republic of China entered into diplomatic relations. In the same month, the leaders of the two countries held a summit meeting in China, and diplomatic relations were established by signing the "Joint Statement of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China". In addition, based on this statement, he notified the Republic of China, which had diplomatic relations until then, of the diplomatic relations. The stamp was issued in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, and is designed by Deng Lin (the eldest daughter of Deng Xiaoping) "Murasaki Fuji no Hana" and Wang Denfeng "Genen Ryucho". All of the paintings were drawn by Chinese painters, and there are no Japanese paintings. It can be seen that Japan was aiming to promote political and economic exchanges with China at that time.